Welcome back to Part 11 of the Grandpa’s Glass Series.
In case you are new here, I am sharing some stories behind the photos of my Grandpa’s Glass series. If you missed any of those posts, they are linked below. But, today, I want to share a few memories of Grandpa’s beverage of choice and why it is a part of Grandpa’s story.
The Goblet
My Grandpa’s beverage of choice was beer. Generally, it was decanted into a large glass goblet. The clear glass was “etched” with a pattern of grape clusters around the perimeter and had circular depressions in the glass that, in my mind, were fashioned for an adult’s thumb to hold the glass steady.
After the cold beer had filled the goblet, and the condensation started forming on the outside of the glass, he often added a dash or two of salt from the saltshaker. With this simple addition, the bubbles seemed to dance with the salt in the amber-colored liquid.
As a child, I was mesmerized watching the alchemy of two simple ingredients mix and perform such a graceful, elegant performance as the salt sank through the foam and made its way to the bottom of the glass.
I sometimes see those goblets in antique stores. The sight of them generally makes me linger with my memories of days long ago. I have even been so brave as to cradle one of those goblets in my hand from time to time and entertain thoughts of who the owner might have been. Had my Grandfather’s hand by some cosmic chance held that very goblet, or, had someone like him created some other liquid mixture? Had the owner enjoyed a beverage in that glass on some hot summer afternoon as much as he? And, was there a family out there that might share memories of moments like mine?
The Symbolism
I also reflect on the social mores, judgment, and ridicule that my Grandfather was subject to as a result of his tendency to regularly imbibe these amber lagers. I recently learned that in some cultures alcohol is considered a symbol of fertility and life. I am hard-pressed to think of anyone who lived life to the fullest more than Grandpa. So, in that regard, his was a very fertile life.
© SuZan Alexander, Salty Suds I. Digital Photography.
But there is also some symbolism and symmetry in his addition of salt. Historically, salt was used as a means of purification, and newborn babies were once rubbed with salt to indicate the child would be raised to be truthful and act with integrity. Salt is also a sign of covenant, loyalty, and durability, … all these traits lead me to believe that perhaps his beverage of choice, along with that simple salt accompaniment, may have suited him perfectly.
© SuZan Alexander, Salty Suds II. Digital Photography.
I hope you will come back next Wednesday when I share another story from this series of images. If you are enjoying these behind-the-scene stories, please consider subscribing to my newsletter and becoming one of the “Insiders”. You can sign up below and receive a copy of “The Stories Behind 7 of My Favorite Images”.
As always, thank you for joining me on this adventure.