Today is the first day of fall. Just to be clear, I live in Texas, so, let me assure you, it is NOT the outdoor temperatures that let me know autumn has arrived in the United States. Yes. The calendar tells me fall is upon us, as does today’s cute Google banner I enjoy so much. But, none of those were the harbingers announcing the change of season for me.
Last week, I was busy working in my “studio”. My “studio” is really just a sun porch I have taken over because I love all the windows, and, in addition to the wonderful light, it affords me the chance to watch the birds and other critters (fox, squirrels, deer, hawks…) that happen to visit during the day. Anyway, I was busy working on post-processing a few images when something outside the window grabbed my attention. As I switched my focus from my computer to the backyard, I realized it was a lovely piece of Fall witchgrass falling from the sky. I kid you not my friend. How can that NOT be a sign that autumn has arrived on the wind?
© 2019 SuZan Alexander, Fall witchgrass 2. Digital Photography. 6” x 6”
So, of course, I went to find the rogue piece of grass to photograph. It was begging me for a close-up. (And, in the process of looking for the errant grass, I found even more treasures to photograph. But that is another post coming up shortly.) The stalks from our yard looked a little lonely, so I went in search of more Fall witchgrass this past weekend, just to keep the two stalks from our yard company.
© 2019 SuZan Alexander, Fall witchgrass 3. Digital Photography. 6” x 6”
Is it just me or do you love that name? It just says fall to me, and the timing could not have been more perfect.
Happy Fall!