Espresso - Done is Better Than Perfect
On National Espresso day I decided to try my hand at stop motion photography. Well, a-c-t-u-a-l-y, I decided quite a bit earlier than that, but here’s the real story.
What Stopped Me from Making Stop Motion Video?
Several years ago, I took a course on stop motion videos. The gear and software were a little out of my budget (software, constant source lighting, power supply gadgets to use an A/C adapter for power…). In addition to that, the recommended software was available in Macintosh version only. Guess what? I have a PC. So, I shelved the idea for several years.
“Done is better than perfect.”
Recently, my interest has been piqued again, so I started looking at recommended electrical power source gadgets. As luck would have it, they have been out of stock for MONTHS. However, about a month ago, I managed to find what I needed in stock and order the two required accessories. Then, I started going down the checklist of gear, but, honestly, that’s about as far as I got. I was able to check off two requirements (which I didn’t even use on these videos). My plan was to try making these videos before I invest a lot of money. I want to make sure it’s something I will enjoy and will actually create rather than the other way around.
Improvise… Pivot… Improvise again…
I’ve had several ideas for videos, but when I saw that National Espresso Day was coming up, I decided to work with what I had, improvise, and create a stop-motion video. Yep. You guessed it. We apparently gave away our espresso maker in the recent move. It is nowhere to be found. BUT, I still have espresso cups, so I change my plan (again) and got to work - improvising.
Why am I telling you this instead of writing about the first time I had an espresso at the small pastry shop at La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico one snowy afternoon? Because “Done is better than perfect”
Because perfect doesn’t exist, my friend.
Are these two little videos perfect? Absolutely not! But they ARE done. Checked off the list. Finished! Finito! Fini!
I stepped out there with the hope - no, the expectation, that a year from now, I will look at these efforts and cringe a little because I could do a better job - technically. But, could I do a better job overcoming the perceived obstacles holding me back from just simply giving it a try? Yeah. Maybe. But, right now, I don’t think so.
Your Turn
Is there something you are experiencing some resistance about? Is there something holding you back from simply trying? Let me encourage you to do it anyway.