“Just This Moment” is intended to be a collection of those small moments in which you are truly present in your life - at just that moment. The images may not be frame-worthy, but are moments that fill you with joy, allow you to experience a moment of gratitude, make you smile, touch your heart, and/or make your soul sing. I encourage you to share your “moment” here with me, but I will get us started with this…
Digital Photography © 2018 SuZan Alexander
Spring in Texas. Everyone thinks of the beautiful wildflowers that carpet the Texas roadsides, thanks to Lady Bird Johnson’s beautification efforts in the 1960’s. However, personally, while I enjoy the display of wildflowers each spring, I love myself some flowering cacti. Yes, you read that correctly. Cacti. These pretty little blooms make me practically giddy with the surprise of their bright colored blooms. But, truth be told, I really think it is the fact that something so rugged and prickly can produce such beauty is what really fascinates me. For most of the year one sees only these tough exteriors, but under the right conditions, for a brief time, their real beauty is revealed; sort of similar to humans that way.
Digital Photography © 2018 SuZan Alexander
I have included yellow blooms here, but there are other colors, other shades… all beautiful. And, did I say how much the bees love them? Well, they do. Just have a look at this little guy going in for the pollen. Once a year the cacti send out the message that, instead of lipstick and rouge, it’s all pollen and petals baby. Yep, THAT makes my heart sing my friend.
Digital Photography © 2018 SuZan Alexander
Now it’s your turn. Do you have a special moment to share with us? If you don't have a photo, please feel free to share your words.