Posts tagged Movies
It's Movie Time!!

I have always loved old movies. The television stations would run these old flicks late at night and, as a child, I would stay up late just to watch old movies by myself on weekends and summers. I discovered all kinds of gems from To Kill A Mockingbird to The Bridge on the River Kwai and everything in between. Since my childhood, I have been fortunate enough to see some of these films on the "big screen", as they were intended. One of the most dramatic differences of big screen viewing, for me, has to be Lawrence of Arabia. I had a chance to see it at the Lensic when we were visiting Santa Fe, New Mexico one Christmas holiday. I have to say that it was even more impressive to watch it  that way. I picked up on details that are lost on the "small" screen. I think everyone should have the opportunity to see it this way, at least once, to truly appreciate the movie.

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