Posts tagged John Steinbeck

In March, I had an opportunity to visit the Silicon Valley area of California. I have visited San Francisco, Napa Valley, Laguna Beach, Los Angeles…, but I never made it to this area. Can I tell you a secret? I was really excited because, as you might recall, in 2016 I wrote a blog post about John Steinbeck’s novel Travels with Charley. This was my opportunity to visit some of the places like Monterey, Cannery Row, Salinas, and… wait for it… The National Steinbeck Center. But, I’m getting ahead of myself so I will start at the beginning of the trip.

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Summer Reading: Travel Through Reading

My birthday is in the latter part of May. Years ago, I was asked by my boss, very cautiously I might add, if my approaching birthday ended in a five or a zero. That has always stayed with me for some reason. He almost seemed frightened yet obligated in some way to ask. I tell you this story because, this year's birthday did end in a five. I don't usually let it bother me. It is just another day after all. But for some reason(s), this year has me waxing philosophical and I decided to immerse myself in reading John Steinbeck's novel, Travels with Charley, because,

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