Dandelions look so delicate and fragile. But they are such a remarkably strong, resilient plant - a weed actually. The bain of most gardeners. But, let’s talk about the flowers that turn into a globe of delicate seeds… oh my!
Is there anyone who hasn’t sent dandelion seeds gliding through the summer air with one carefully directed exhale of breath?
Sphere of Seeds © 2021SuZan Alexander. Digital Photography
What IS That Spiky Yellow Flower?
On a morning walk this spring, I commented on these little yellow flowers with spiked leaves. This is my first spring/summer in Montana, so they were new to me. Naturally, I was curious about them since I’m trying to learn about plants and gardening in a new location.
On another morning walk, I noticed the rather large “dandelions” and commented that Montana grows some big ol’ dandelions. But, I still wasn’t connecting the yellow flower to the overly large dandelion yet.
It’s Time for the Close-up
When one of the large dandelions appeared in our yard, I was thrilled. Don’t judge me. They are ethereal, fluffy, spheres about three inches in diameter so I instantaneously saw them as subjects for my next photoshoot.
“Dandelions, Like All Things In Nature, Are Beautiful When You Take Time To Pay Attention To Them ”
Oh my goodness! What a subject to photograph. I really could have spent hours photographing this little lovely, but then there was an “accident”. I turned around to get something, and one of the boards I was using in the still-life set-up fell. Yep. Seeds went flying around the studio. After a moment of disbelief, I began picking up seeds from the floor. Guess what? They made even better subjects to photograph.
Single Seed © 2021 SuZan Alexander. Digital Photography
As I began adding the images to my photo library I started doing some research so I could add keywords. In that research process, I discovered that the correct name is Yellow Salsify (Tragopogon dubius), also known as goat’s-beard. They are not dandelions at all.
See! I learned something new about Montana.