Paracas National Reserve

I have to admit that I had no idea what to expect, or what we would see at the Paracas National Reserve. We first stopped at the Visitor Center and Julio C. Tello Museum to learn about the area. It just so happens to be near the area where the Chilean Flamingos "winter". We could see them from a distance, but, apparently, the pigmentation of the flamingos turn pink from their diet of crabs. Who knew? We also learned about the War of the Pacific, also called the "Guano War". Again, who knew? Next, we headed to some beautiful areas. I'll let the images do the talking...

Paracas National Reserve Collage, Digital Photography, Copyright © 2015 SuZan Alexander
Paracas National Reserve Collage, Digital Photography, Copyright © 2015 SuZan Alexander

...except to explain that we climbed a small hill to take in the panoramic views. Our guide encouraged us to gather a rock from the summit to add to the apacheta (a stone cairn or small pile of rocks) that were started by other adventurers before us.

Apacheta Collage, Digital Photography, Copyright © 2015 SuZan Alexander
Apacheta Collage, Digital Photography, Copyright © 2015 SuZan Alexander

If the rock you place on the pile does not fall, it means you will have good luck. If, however, it falls, .... Never has so much been riding on the selection and placement of a rock. I am happy to report that when we descended, both of our rocks held in place. Good luck indeed. Whew!

Until next week, when will return to Lima...

Happy Trails...