Colored Pencil Workshop
I really enjoy working with colored pencils. I get in a "zone" and lose all track of time while I'm layering on color. As I mentioned on the Links page, I've been SO fortunate to take workshops from Linda Lucas Hardy. She is an extremely talented artist and very good instructor. I recently attended my third workshop with Linda, in which she taught The Colors of White. I thought it might be fun to show the projects from all three workshops I've attended. The first year was a portrait of a young girl. Portraits strike absolute panic and fear in my inner artist self; you know, like running for the hills kind of panic. But after this class, I opened myself to the possibility that maybe, just maybe with a little practice...
2011 Colored Pencil Portrait
Last year was a portrait in French Gray. I L-O-V-E-D working on this one. I work slow and sneak up on color, so this took me a while to finish. My fellow workshop attendees had some unkind things to say about her, but I'm rather fond of her and like the result, so that's all that matters. Right?
2012 French Gray
Finally, like I mention already, this year's instruction was The Color of White. I'm still working on it here and there, but I'm leaning toward calling this one final. I'm not sure why rims give me fits, but here I am again, not totally pleased with the definition of the back rim of the bowl.
2013 The Color of White