You Are Invited to the Art History Party
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I love art history. I always have. I still study and read as much as I can about art history and artists all these many years after college. I know that everything I read, learn, and see impacts me one way or another, and, at some time or another. Rather than keeping all of this goodness to myself (or more likely, forgetting it), I’d like to start sharing my love of art history with you. I have pondered how I could make the connection between art history and my personal artistic endeavors. Well, after contemplating it for a very long time, I decided that:
First, it is my blog and this is what brings me joy. I want to share that joy and my curiosity with others. I understand what I enjoy isn’t for everyone, so no hard feelings. I still hope you will find something else of value here.
Secondly, and maybe more importantly, I find that the more I learn, see, read, study … about other artists and other art work, the more I see it manifest itself in my own work. Sometimes in small, subtle ways without conscious intention; sometimes just filed away in my memory for other resources, travel, knowledge, or trivia. I know these studies make me a better artist, or at least a more joyful one. And THAT is the ultimate connection to my work.
So, here we go…
This is your invitation to come back on Wednesday, and we will get the Art History party started with Andy Warhol and the Pop Art Movement.