Have you ever wondered what color combinations would create a pleasing color theme? Did you know that you can create color themes with your mobile phone and an app? Well, it’s true my friend. As the saying goes, “There’s an app for that.” And, I can see a multitude of applications for this app/tip. So, are you interested in creating a few color themes? Great! Lets get started on the particulars.
The App
If you have a smartphone or iPad, you will need to download the Adobe® Capture CC app. The app is free and available for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. (Here is the link to the iTunes Store - CLICK HERE )
Creating Color Schemes
Okay. Now that you downloaded the “magic” app, it’s time to start creating. When you see something that you like, colors you like, or just want to play with the app, take a picture with your device… (Here is a video tutorial on the Adobe® website to get you started. CLICK HERE )
The Results
I have attached a screenshot of a photo I used to create a new color theme with this app and the resulting color theme is on the top right, circled in red.
Screenshot of color theme
The application for this little beauty is endless. Think about it and I’m sure you will find ways to use the themes you create. A few examples might include mood boards for decorating your home, branding a business, creating brochures, color schemes for your next art project … As an added bonus, if you are an Adobe® CC subscriber, the color libraries you create sync to your other programs. It’s magic I tell you.
I am sure you can think of many applications I have not listed. Please share your ideas in the comments. And,if you already use the app, let us know if you have any tips.
Happy Coloring!