SuZan Alexander

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© 2018 SuZan Alexander. Daily Journals. iPhone 7 Plus


I have shared with you all how much I have come to enjoy journaling. I have not always maintained a journaling practice, but a few years ago, I started regularly writing. I think one of the things that helped me turn this into a regular practice is that I begin my morning with three questions. One of the questions is to list at least three things I am grateful about. (I have written a little bit about this HERE if you are interested.)

Recently, I started a journaling course offered by Kim Klassen. This course is helping me take my journaling practice to an all-new level. As part of this journaling, I am becoming more mindful of my thoughts and reactions.


All of this brings me to the funny story I wanted to share with you.

There is a particular store, I try not to frequent unless it is absolutely necessary. Well, last week, I wanted to fill my home with the delicious scents of fall. Guess which store was the only store in my area to carry such scents? You guessed it. So, off I go…

On the way to the air freshener section, I noticed those headbands that keep your ears warm. I was planning to be doing some fieldwork next week, and, those of you who have experienced weather in Texas KNOW that the temperatures can go from 80 degrees (F) to 30 degrees (F) in the same day; especially during this time of year. So, I added one of those lovelies to my purchases. However, when I got home, there was no headband in my bag. Usually, I would allow my inner voice to be pretty harsh about getting home without a purchase. Come on, we all have that ugly inner voice, right? Well, this time I felt absolute joy. I found my inner voice hoping that someone who really needed it, found it, and put it to good use. I have heard that there was a camp of homeless people near this store who was recently “dispersed” to make way for some retail development project(s). I found myself KNOWING that one of those displaced souls now had a way to keep their ears warm on cold nights.

© 2018 SuZan Alexander, Christmas Nutcracker Digital Photography

A few days later, I returned to re-purchase the missing headband/ear warmers. On my way to the checkout counter, a child in front of me knocked over a Christmas decoration, and that caused a domino effect complete with lights, sounds, and movement from other decorations lining my path to the checkout counter.

A large nutcracker that towered over me, was playing Tchaikovsky’s March of the Nutcracker - loudly. With each step that seemed to match the music, I began to feel a smile I could not suppress.

As I marched through the aisle of decorations, the music abruptly stopped as I arrived at the checkout. I am sure the amusement on my face must have puzzled the clerk. She greeted me and asked how I was. I told her I was WONDERFUL! It is not every day a gal gets to be ushered in to the Nutcracker March, and I felt like all I was missing was a tiara. She politely smiled, but I am not sure she really understood my humor at that moment. I often joke that I entertain myself… I think I am hysterically funny, even when I’m a party of one. I am pretty sure this was one of those times.

Anyway, I hope you get a chance to march to the Nutcracker March at some point in your life. It WILL make your day. In the interim, have a go at journaling. It might help you see things a different way.