SuZan Alexander

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Wednesday Words

At the invitation of a friend, I joined a Chapter of the Pulpwood Queens book club in 2005. Not only does the book club introduce me to new books and authors I would never have found on my own, it allows me the opportunity to discuss the book with fellow readers, as well as the authors who write them. As an added bonus, the Club also promotes literacy all while having great fun and good fellowship. With a win-win like that, who wouldn't want to be included, right? However, when we relocated, I was no longer able to attend "my" Chapter meetings. I occasionally entertain thoughts of starting a chapter here, but, in the interim, I still try to read along with the good ladies of the Calvert Chapter as much as possible. I'm going to start "Wednesday Words" to pay homage to my reading friends and authors. Like I said, I try to read along with the Chapter, but lately, I've gone a little rogue on the reading selection and have read some choices from my backlog since I wouldn't be discussing them with anyone. While my selections usually include fiction and Southern Gothic ( someone once described as "grit lit"), there are a few non-fiction books that stand out. My most recent read was such a book. "All Over But the Shoutin'", by Rick Bragg. It is a book that captures the rural South of the 1960s and 1970s, the painful differences between the haves and the have nots, the importance of family, and the indelible mark family leaves on you long after reaching adulthood. Mr.Bragg takes you on quite the ride, from childhood to becoming a successful journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner. Most importantly, it presented situations that are somewhat unfamiliar to me and helped me see things in a different light.

Until next Wednesday - - get your nose in a book. :-)