SuZan Alexander

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Since Margaret Bourke-White is the featured artist for the Artist Spotlight this month, I thought it would be fun to see if any movies have been made about her. I found a 1980's era television movie, starring Farrah Fawcett; BUT, since it is only available on VHS tape, I chose a "runner-up". I thought I would share a movie about a female war photographer which might tie-in nicely with our Margaret Burke-White "theme" this month.


The movie, 1,000 Times Good Night, starring Juliette Binoche (one of my favorite actresses), is set in Ireland (one of my favorite places), and while I really liked the movie, I do not think other folks I know cared for it as much as I. Having issued that disclaimer, I have to say that this movie is not your typical Hollywood movie, nor does it have a typical Hollywood ending. (And you MUST stick it out until the very end.)  It left me with questions to ponder long after the movie ended. Not only photography questions but questions about personal relationships, societal responsibilities, etc. I found myself thinking about how driven some photographers were/are, and had/have to be. I also questioned where is the line and when do you cross the line. When does a passion become an obsession? ...

I also included a link to a quick tribute film on Margaret Bourke-White below so you have some background information about what a pioneer she was as a photographer. 

If you decide to watch (or already watched), I'd love to hear what you think about the movie and/or the tribute film linked below.

Connecticut Women's Hall of Fame Tribute Film  
Double Exposure: The Story of Margaret Bourke-White  
1,000 Times Good Night Movie Trailer  

See this gallery in the original post